Thursday, May 14, 2009

Trail Running on the Range

Trail running while at home really isn't trail running.  I guess it would be more cross country running than anything.  There are cow trails to follow, but those buggers pretty much just go in a straight line to wherever it is they want to go, which is a little on the boring side.  I like to zigzag around and try to cover as much area as possible, mainly to ensure I get the milage I need for that particular day.

I've really never run on the ranch before.  I've run on the highway, but the 70 mph speed limit is a bit intimidating for the runner, especially with the narrow shoulder.  I got in late from doing some field work, had some dinner, and was off to run.  I didn't get out until 8, so I only had about 50 minutes until sundown.  I decided to run along one of our machinery roads that leads to some hay and wheat fields.  I started by running around each individual field, below the road.  This would give me some nice downhill slopes to negotiate.  It's been a pretty cold, wet (snow yesterday morning) spring thus far, so the grass hasn't grown as of yet, which makes for easy running.  I did the bottom half of the fields, and was as far away from my house as I can be, and had run about 5 miles.  Callie, our family golden retriever, was following me the entire way and she looked a little on the tired side.  Oh, that and I spotted a porcupine.  I did NOT want her to see that creature as I have had, on more than one occasion, to pull out many quills from my dog's mouth with pliers.  It's not really a fun experience.  So all in all, I did 6 miles on the ranch.  Not bad, however I do want to finish by going around the fields on the upper side of the road, but that will add a ton of elevation.  

You can check out the map/run here

1 comment:

PETtell said...

What a cute and adorable pet. It's fascinating that pets can now have social network profile to share with other pet lovers as well.